1. MUDs
1.1 An Introduction
This section serves as a basic introduction to MUDs. By no means does it provide comprehensive coverage on the subject of MUDs. MUDs are very complicated, and generally warrant FAQS of their own. What I tell you in this section is just enough to get yourself hurt.
MUDs, multi-user dungeons, are an on-line interactive computer game. You create a character, and interact with other characters. This is done in a world created and/or maintained by the mud's administration. A common setting for this is a fantasy world, although you can find worlds of many different flavors.
Each mud is a separate entity. There were 1560 muds listed on the Mud Connector (http:\\www.mudconnect.com) at the time this section was written.
1.2 Mud Servers
Mud servers are the software that runs the game. They are commonly referred to by their "code base." Code bases are sometimes named after the first mud to run that code. For example, DaleMUD is named after ShadowDale; ROM is named after Rivers of Mud.
1.3 MUD Clients and Telnet
Mud clients are programs that allow you to play on a mud. These programs also have features specifically designed for use with muds. Common examples of mud clients are: TinyFugue, ZMUD, and Tintin. Most operating systems come with a telnet program already installed. Although telnet programs enable you to play a mud as well, they are generic utilities. This should be sufficient if you are unsure whether you like muds or not yet. If you plan on gaming for a long time, then you should look into getting a mud client.
1.4 Just the FAQs, ma'am
A more complete FAQ on muds can be found at http://www.mudconnect.com/mudfaq