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3. Glossary

The following is a list of terms that you may come across while learning to build for a mud.

An abbreviation for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII is a common method of translating numbers, characters, and letters. The ASCII system is used on several different operating systems and in many different programs. It provides an almost universal method of translation.
Using ASCII characters to create images.
                         !_                           /   \
                         |*`~-.,                     /,    \
                         |.-~^`                     /#"     \
                         |                        _/##_   _  \_
                    _   _|  _   _   _            [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]
                   [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]            |_=_-=_ - =_|
                 !_ |_=_ =-_-_  = =_|           !_ |=_= -    |
                 |*`--,_- _        |            |*`~-.,= []  |
                 |.-'|=     []     |   !_       |_.-"`_-     |
                 |   |_=- -        |   |*`~-.,  |  |=_-      |
                /^\  |=_= -        |   |_,-~`  /^\ |_ - =[]  |
            _  /   \_|_=- _   _   _|  _|  _   /   \|=_-      |
           [ ]/,    \[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_/,    \[ ]=-    |
            |/#"     \_=-___=__=__- =-_ -=_ /#"     \| _ []  |
           _/##_   _  \_-_ =  _____       _/##_   _  \_ -    |\
          [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]=_0~{_ _ _}~0   [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]=-   | \
          |_=__-_=-_  =_|-=_ |  ,  |     |_=-___-_ =-__|_    |  \
           | _- =-     |-_   | ((* |      |= _=       | -    |___\
           |= -_=      |=  _ |  `  |      |_-=_       |=_    |/+\|
           | =_  -     |_ = _ `-.-`       | =_ = =    |=_-   ||+||
           |-_=- _     |=_   =            |=_= -_     |  =   ||+||
           |=_- /+\    | -=               |_=- /+\    |=_    |^^^|
           |=_ |+|+|   |= -  -_,--,_      |_= |+|+|   |  -_  |=  |
           |  -|+|+|   |-_=  / |  | \     |=_ |+|+|   |-=_   |_-/
           |=_=|+|+|   | =_= | |  | |     |_- |+|+|   |_ =   |=/
           | _ ^^^^^   |= -  | |  <&>     |=_=^^^^^   |_=-   |/
           |=_ =       | =_-_| |  | |     |   =_      | -_   |
       jgs |_=-_       |=_=  | |  | |     |=_=        |=-    |

Joan Stark's ASCII Art Gallery

Building Port
A copy of the MUD run for the purpose of creating new areas.
A program used to create and/or edit areas for a mud.
An abbreviation for mobile.
Creatures found on a mud.
Aliases: NPC, creature, monster
An abbreviation for Non-Player Character. This term is more commonly used for tabletop role-playing games, i.e. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. It is used in two different ways in muds. The first way is synonymous with mob. The second way is to designate key mobs. For example, in a forest area, the animals would be mobs, but a lone ranger that lives in the area might be a NPC.
Aliases: Mob, creature, monster
Inanimate objects on the mud.
Off-Line Creation
Building using the resources of your computer or a network account that is not hosted by the mud. You do not need to be connected to the internet.
Aliases: Off-Line Editing
On-Line Creation
Building using the MUD's resources. Usually this means being connected to the MUD or its building port via the internet.
Aliases: On-Line Editing, OLC
An abbrevation for Quality Control. QC standards can be used in place of the term building standards.
Text Editor
A program or command generally included with your operating system that allows you to create ASCII files. I.e., edit in DOS, notepad in Windows, and VI in Linux. More complex programs can also save ASCII files.


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The Art of Building: Copyright © 1998-2002 Michelle A. Thompson