These large sites that address several aspects of mudding.
Kanga.Nu is home to several mud-related
- File Archives
- Mailing Lists
- FAQs
- Kanga.Nu Library
MudMagic.com is a
general mud resource.
- Articles
- Discussion Boards
- A searchable links section
- A fairly extensive collection of code
MudWorld is an umbrella site for a few other Mud resource
- AMRO*: Affiliated MUD Resource Organization - Top MUD
resource listings.
- UCMM: United Council of Multiple MUDsites -
utilites, downloads, links and more.
- The
Mud Journal - A resource for builders, coders, players, and more.
- Imaginary Realities Archive
- Articles
- Interviews
- IRC Client
- Mud Listings
- Depression Helpline Information
Gaming Resource MUSH
is designed to be a neutral meeting ground for MU* players and staff.
- Discussion Boards
- Building and coding classes, MUSH environment
- Articles
- MU consulting
- Newbie Guide
- Roleplay Gaming Opportunities
The Mud
Connector is known primarily for its extensive list of muds.
- Discussion Boards
- Resources Section
- MUD Reviews
- MUD Players Directory
Top Mud Sites
contains a voting page for mud sites.
- Discussion Boards
- Searchable database of mud sites and muds
Vote for The Art of Building on Top Mud Sites
Virtual Worldlets discusses issues of making virtual worlds.
- Articles
- Tutorials
- Resource Links
- Virtual World List
* ARMO is an affiliate of The Art of Building.