- The GreenWeb Home Page
A large selection of flora descriptions with some
medicinal notations
- Plants For a Future - Database Search
Search over 7,000 plants based on name, usage, geographical
area, habitat, or keyword.
- Archive of Herbs of the Week
A small, but growing selection of herbs with pictures,
medicinal properties, and other information
- A Boke of Gode Cookery
Medevil food, food facts, and eating habits
- The Cave
Features a village generator, a name generator, and a
NPC (Mob) Generator
- The
Encyclopedia Mythica
An on-line encyclopedia that contains information
on mythology, folklore, and legend.
- The Labyrinth
Resources for Medieval Studies
- The Mexica/Aztecs
- Castles: Seen through the light of a thousand
- Clothing and Costume Links
An extensive listing of links related to clothing and
and costuming
- Netserf.org
A directory of a lot of on-line medieval resources
covering diverse issues
- Internet History Sourcebooks Project
collections of the history of many different cultures